Accessing Excel Academic, using the materials in the site or even sharing them with other parties is subject to our privacy policy. That means that if you want to use our materials, you must be conversant with our privacy policy and decide for yourself if you agree with it or not.

This page comprises the site’s terms and conditions, guidelines that you are required to follow, and any disclaimers that can be found when using Excel Academic.


Authorized uses

Users of the site are allowed to access the media in the site and even download it for their personal use. Once a client has paid for test banks or any other study materials, they are allowed to use them for their personal gain. However, these materials are not to be shared with other parties.

The study materials are password-protected to ensure that they are not edited, resold, or shared with third parties. Excel Academic has the right to change these guidelines if they so wish, as long as the changes are communicated to the clients beforehand.

Restrictions on subscribed products

A client is given access to a product after subscribing to it. However, there are some restrictions that come up this:

The client may not change the product in any way. One is not allowed to modify, copy-paste, or write another paper based on the material subscribed to.

  • A client has no right to remove copyright notices found in a subscribed product.
  • A client should not reproduce or resell the products.
  • A client should also not in any way try to bypass the security measures meant to protect a product from being edited or resold.

Intellectual property ownership

A client does not get to own a product after subscribing to it. The ownership remains with Excel Academic, unless otherwise stated.

Contact forms

Excel academic keeps your contact information for the period that a client is with the site to make it easy for the clients to access the site. When you create an account with us, your details are saved in the site for easier transactions.

In case you want to leave a comment, you can share your name, email address, and your site. Your email address will appear on the site only if you choose to.

When you access the site, you will be requested to accept the cookies. These cookies are only meant to make it easy for you to transact with us. These cookies last only for a couple of weeks, meaning that you do not have to worry about someone accessing your personal information.

Embedded content from other sites

This site contains some information that belong to other sites in embedded form. If you choose to use the content, it means that you accept the privacy policy of that particular site.

This means that if you choose to interact with the content, you are exposed to different guidelines from the ones found in Excel Academic. It means that these sites might save your contact information and even monitor how you use their content.

Data retention

When you create an account with us, your information is saved to ensure easy interaction with the site. Any information that you give while registering with us is kept in the site. However, when you choose to delete your account, all your information is deleted. If you wish to access the site after deleting your account, you will have to register all over again.

However, any comments made are retained indefinitely.

Client’s rights

Our privacy policy does not mean that you have no right over your own information. Interacting with any site means that some of your information will be saved by that site. The information is crucial when it comes to transactions and legal purposes. If you do not want your information to be retained, you can write to us and we will permanently erase it.

Content ownership

The content found in this site solely belongs to Excel Academic (with exception to embedded content). That means that you cannot modify, reproduce, distribute, or resell any content found in the site. The study materials are meant to help students study. They are not meant to be resold or used in any other manner apart from what it is intended for.


The materials found in this site are meant to help students in their studies. This means that the materials presented here are only meant to supplement your learning. You cannot present the information given here as legal evidence.

Excel academic works tirelessly to ensure that the information presented here is accurate. However, we understand that errors might appear every now and then. If you are in doubt over anything, you should consult with original books for clarification.


The materials found in Excel Academic are meant to help students with their studies. They are not meant to be used for legal or professional advice.

The site comprises several trademarks that belong to various owners. Any trademark that does not belong to Excel Academic has been well attributed to its rightful owner.

Changes to privacy policy

The above guidelines and policies are subjected to change if Excel Academic chooses to change them. However, a notice is given before any changes are made effective. You can always check this particular page to see if any changes have been made.